Yingfeng has invested 10 million yuan in our magnetron mirror coating production line, which is designed to produce high-level silvered mirrors and aluminized mirrors. The principle here is to form a thin film on the surface of the glass in a vacuum environment. The coating mirrors produced by this production line are anti-oxidation, anti-corrosion and high temperature resistant.
MDF is the main material of the mirror frame. Yingfeng is equipped with MDF board cutting machines to make artistic frames of any shape you want.
MDF is the main material of the mirror frame. Yingfeng is equipped with MDF board cutting machines to make artistic frames of any shape you want.
For products: a series of tests for the hardness and fragility of the raw glass materials.
For packaging: a series of tests for the hardness and safety of the packaging materials. Through dropping test from up high, we can ensure the protection of the mirrors.